The Red Fox Advisory approach is systematic, agile and intuitive.


As your partner, we work to ensure your engineering project realises its full value potential at each step to achieve optimal outcomes; to develop frameworks for sustainable processes; and to create the potential for innovative solutions.


Foleyvale Crossing, Queensland

Designing bridge infrastructure to endure flood events

The Foleyvale Crossing is a new crossing of the Mackenzie River, 135 km west of Rockhampton and 24km along Apis Creek Road north of Duaringa in Central Queensland. The existing road is a busy freight route servicing many properties, the transport of cattle and harvesting equipment and used by the general community. The road is an alternative connection point for inland traffic from the towns of Banana, Baralaba, and Moura to the coast and bypassing Rockhampton.

The project, jointly funded by Sunwater and the Department of Transport and Main Roads, was part of the enabling works associated with the Rookwood Weir, a strategic water resilience project.  Red Fox Advisory were engaged by Sunwater to complete the project, taking on both the design and the Contract Administrator role. Led by Red Fox Director, Ben Schnitzerling, the team worked collaboratively with the contractor, CMC to deliver a new bridge for the surrounding communities and growing region.

The Foleyvale Crossing project required a new 90m bridge, 40,000m³ of earthworks, concrete pavements, unbound pavements, and extensive rock protection and landscaping treatments. The Mackenzie River regularly floods in the wet season. Ben and team found a solution to minimise impact of floodwaters on the new bridge by developing a solution of removable bridge rails.

The project was completed in November 2023, one month before the Contract Date for Practical Completion.

Our services – Contract Administration, Design, Community Stakeholder Engagement

Project Director – Ben Schnitzerling

Clients – Sunwater and Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads

Timeframe – 2022 to 2023


Parkinson Interchange Upgrade, Queensland

Providing value and solutions in real time

An integral multimodal corridor carrying up to 50,000 vehicles daily, the Parkinson Intersection Upgrade of Beaudesert Road, south of the Brisbane CBD from two to three lanes was a significant project for the community.

The high-profile project was designed to reduce traffic congestion while reactivating businesses after the Covid-19 pandemic. A major road upgrade with local electorate visibility, the project needed to be delivered efficiently with minimal disruptions. While the project experienced time delays, we were successful at mediating and finding solutions. Red Fox was the Contract Administrator of the works.

The project faced challenges, design errors and issues that had potential to impact the program and costs.

One challenge was the incorrect identification of water main material making the works program unbuildable. As Contract Administrator, we developed a works solution to minimise delays and advised the designer of methods to overcome the issue, which were all adopted.

A secondary issue required pavement re-construction under the operating road. This was ultimately considered unfeasible. Ben as the Contract Administrator developed an alternative solution that allowed works to be completed over three weekends with traffic diversions.

Overall, the Parkinson Intersection Upgrade Project was delivered on time, on budget, and most importantly with no disputes.

Our services – Contract Administration, Design Solutions, Community Stakeholder Engagement

Project Director – Ben Schnitzerling

Clients – Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads

Timeframe – 2022 to 2023

Red Fox Advisory Project Greenbushes to Picton Rail Line Geotechnical Investigations Western Australia

Greenbushes to Picton Railway Line, WA

78kms of geotechnical investigations in a heatwave

The old railway journey from Greenbushes to Picton on the southwestern coast of Western Australia used to transport timber.

Our client, Arc Infrastructure's asset Line 75 traverses’ diverse topography and geological formations and has been out of service since 2002.

The advanced age of the asset and the lack of historical ground investigation data presented a challenge to the proposed reopening of the line, particularly regarding bridge crossings.

The key challenges for the project were the tight program to feed into further stages of the overall feasibility study, as well as the remote location and difficult access conditions for mobile plant.

Project scope included 78 x Test pits to 1.5m depth, sampling, logging, in situ DCP testing and laboratory testing of natural subgrade and 3 x CPTs at Newlands Bridge abutments and midspan to 10m depth.

In addition, our team gave considered geotechnical interpretation and advice for the replacement of Newlands Bridge.

We delivered the project within the required timeframe, utilising alternative plant to excavate test pits, allowing for faster mobilisation and movement between locations.

Our services – Geotechnical Investigations

Project Director – David Hull

Clients – ARC Infrastructure

Timeframe – 2023 to 2024